ZiP Plastic Count App
Designing-out Plastic Waste
One piece at a time

The Problem
We are drowning in waste. News that by 2050 the world’s oceans will have more plastic than fish in weight are scary and create anxiety in relation to the future of environment, food availability and human health. A recent report backed by UN specialists indicates that more than 1 million species will be lost in the next few decades, and plastic waste is one of the causes of this loss.
The globe is reaching peak plastic waste generation, while reports of fundamental failures in recycling systems are widespread (Emgin 2012; Strasser 2000). Numerous, bottom-up campaigns exist to raise awareness (Henderson 2016; Plastic Oceans Foundation 2017;
5 Gyres Science Solutions 2017). Meanwhile, global industries and governments lead top-down initiatives (World Economic Forum 2016). These initiatives commonly overlook sustainable behavioural changes that the public can actively integrate into their daily routines to improve plastic waste practices (Terry 2012).
The problem of plastic use and waste, however, is so overwhelming that most of us are not sure what to do and what to change in our lives. Or worse, we are not sure even whatever we do will actually make any difference.

The Initiative
We want to create mechanisms for people to visualise their impact when they use and when they stop using plastic waste. This is not another “awareness raising campaign”. This project offers a tool for you to understand, manage and make real changes in your every day habits that will have a positive impact in the race to reduce (and eventually eliminate) the production of new plastic waste.
ZiP Plastic Count App
track, visualise, change
Learn more about plastics and recycling
understand, refuse, recycle
Find alternatives to plastic
substitute, create, make a difference
This project is a joint initiative of